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What is an EPC?

November 21, 2023

What is an EPC?

What is an EPC?

An Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is a legally valid document which provides an energy efficiency rating (displayed on an A-G scale) in relation to a property’s running costs. This rating will take into account the potential energy performance of the property itself (the fabric) and its services (heating, lighting, hot water etc).

In addition to this, the EPC document will also show:

✅ a breakdown of a property’s energy performance

✅ its environmental impact

✅ recommendations for improvements

✅ estimated energy use alongside potential savings

Not all properties are used in the same way. The energy efficiency rating uses ‘standard occupancy’ assumptions (typically 2 adults and 2 children) which may be very different from the way in which occupiers actually use things like heating and lighting within their property.

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